If you wish to pay your tithe and offerings during this time then the options are as follows:
1. By Cheque - Payable to North England Conference. Include all your normal details that you would include in your tithe envelope (including gift aid reference number and the name of your church) and include your address so a receipt can be sent to you. Post to NEC, FAO Treasury Dept, 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, Nottingham. NG3 5DB. Please include a return address so a receipt can be sent to you.
Sabbath School (Adult & Children) | 10.00am - 11.15am |
Divine Service | 11.30am - 13.00pm |
Pathfinders & Adventurers | 15.00pm - 16.30pm |
Afternoon Service | 16.45pm - 17:30pm |
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting | 19.00pm - 20.00pm |